
Monday, 18 January 2010

Sheffield want our buses back

Sheffield wants our buses back

AROUND 70 marchers braved the cold to join last Saturday's demonstration in Sheffield called by We Want Our Buses Back (WWOBB) to protest against First's 8% hike in bus fares. Earlier in the week, we had presented a petition to Sheffield's Lib-Dem Council demanding action to regulate fares and services.

Four years ago the then Labour council said it would take four years to introduce Quality Contracts (a form of regulation like in London). Now the Lib-Dem transport cabinet member says it might take another four years!

We can't wait that long. First intend to axe around 20% of routes in April. In four more years there won't be any bus service left! Reinforced with new campaigners from the demo, WWOBB will step up its campaign for re-regulation and taking the bus industry back into public ownership and control.

originally published by Alistair Tice in "The Socialist"

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“Power concedes nothing without a demand; it never has and it never will.”

The latest battle-line drawn between the National Front and the British National Party has been drawn, with the BNP pointing out that the NF has used a quote (above) from (shock horror) prominent black activist Frederick Douglass.

The story, reported on indymedia just today, follows hot on the heels of reports last week suggesting that the NF may stand cadidates in areas of West Yorkshire such as Leeds and Bradford, as well as Birmingham, Swindon and Norfolk. This could split the far-right vote, and with reports that the EDL may also field candidates, and UKIP's rise this could do more harm than good for radical right politics in the UK.

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